
What are some hidden gems in famous cities?

What are some hidden gems in famous cities?


When visiting a famous city, it’s easy to stick to the well-known tourist attractions and miss out on the hidden gems that can make a trip truly memorable. In this article, we’ll explore some lesser-known but fascinating places in famous cities around the world. From secret gardens to hidden neighborhoods, these hidden gems offer a unique glimpse into the culture and history of their respective cities. So, if you’re looking for something off the beaten path, read on to discover some hidden gems in famous cities.

Hidden Gems in Manhattan’s Chinatown

Doyers Street: “The Bloody Angle”

Doyers Street is a 200-foot-long block in Manhattan’s Chinatown that has a dark and violent history. Named after Dutch immigrant Hendrik Doyers, this street bends sharply at an almost 90-degree angle. While it is now home to iconic establishments like Nom Wah Tea Parlor and Chinese Tuxedo, it earned the infamous title of “The Bloody Angle” in the early 1900s.

At that time, two major factions in Chinatown, the Hip Sing Tong and the On Leong Tong, fought for control of the neighborhood. They ran opium dens, entertainment centers, and prostitution rings without much interference from law enforcement. Doyers Street’s Chinese Theatre served as a neutral meeting ground for the gangs.

On August 7, 1905, during a performance of a play called “The King’s Daughter,” members of the Hip Sing gang opened fire on a crowd of over 400 people, resulting in the deaths of three individuals. This event escalated tensions between the gangs, leading to an all-out war that claimed the lives of more than 50 people.

During the fighting, both sides used hatchets as weapons and utilized a network of underground tunnels to escape after attacking their victims. The violence eventually led to a decline in business for establishments in the area, prompting a truce in 1913. However, the truce did not become permanent until 1994. In fact, an article in The New York Times stated that more people had died violently at “The Bloody Angle” than at any other intersection in America.


While famous cities are often associated with their well-known attractions, there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered by intrepid travelers. From the dark history of Manhattan’s Chinatown to secret gardens and hidden neighborhoods, these lesser-known places offer a unique perspective on the culture and history of their respective cities. So, the next time you find yourself in a famous city, be sure to venture off the beaten path and explore these hidden gems for an unforgettable experience.

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