
Price list of famous landmarks

Price List of Famous Landmarks


Every country has its landmark tourist attractions, and China is no exception. If you’re planning a visit to China, it’s worth considering these seven famous landmarks: the Great Wall on Mao Loyalty Ridge, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Army, the best giant panda base, 20-Yuan Hill on the Li River, Mount Everest, and Dunhuang Mogao Caves. In this article, we will provide you with a price list for each of these landmarks, helping you plan your visit to China.

1. Dujiangyan Panda Base – the Best Place to See the Giant Pandas

The Dujiangyan Panda Base in Chengdu is the best place to see giant pandas in China. You can participate in volunteer programs that allow close contact with these adorable animals. The giant panda is an endangered species, with only a little over 1,000 left in the world. Due to deforestation and hunting, their numbers have rapidly declined. Visiting the Dujiangyan Panda Base not only allows you to see these cuddly creatures up close but also contributes to their conservation.

Price: The entrance fee for the Dujiangyan Panda Base is 58 CNY (approximately $9 USD).

2. The 20 Yuan Bank Note Site – a Li River Landmark

The Li River is renowned for its karst landforms and scenic beauty. The image of the Li River scenery is printed on the back of the 20-yuan banknote, making it a landmark of China. One of the best spots to appreciate this landmark is near Xingping Dock in Yangshuo. You can take a cruise along the Li River, cycle in the Yangshuo countryside, or take a bamboo raft to float on the Yulong River. These activities allow you to immerse yourself in the idyllic landscapes depicted on the banknote.

Price: The cost of a Li River cruise varies depending on the tour package and duration. Prices start from around 300 CNY (approximately $47 USD).

3. Mutianyu’s “Mao Loyalty Ridge” – the Best Place to See the Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is a symbol of the country and a must-visit landmark. The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is the best section to visit. It is fully restored with elegant scenery, fewer crowds, and good walking conditions. The most challenging section is near the “Mao’s Loyalty Ridge,” which takes about 30 minutes to climb the steps. From the ridge, you can enjoy a bird’s eye view of the Great Wall in this area.

Price: The entrance fee for the Mutianyu Great Wall is 45 CNY (approximately $7 USD).

4. The Forbidden City – the Largest Imperial Palace in the World

The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is a must-visit attraction in China. It used to be an imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties and has housed 24 emperors. Today, it is a large museum housing thousands of historical relics. The Forbidden City is the world’s largest ancient palatial structure, covering an area of 720,000 square meters with more than 9,000 halls. Exploring the 12 selected places in the complex allows you to discover the secrets of the royal families.

Price: The entrance fee for the Forbidden City is 60 CNY (approximately $9 USD).

5. The Terracotta Warriors Museum

The Terracotta Warriors Museum in Xi’an is a breathtaking underground army buried in 210 BC with the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. It is another star attraction in China. The museum covers an area of 22,780 square meters and houses over 8,000 terracotta soldiers and horses, as well as more than 10,000 bronze weapons. The terracotta warriors were made to face east towards Emperor Qin’s enemies, and visiting this site allows you to learn about their history and significance.

Price: The entrance fee for the Terracotta Warriors Museum is 150 CNY (approximately $23 USD).

6. Mount Qomolangma, or Mount Everest

Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, is a holy mountain for local Tibetan people and a representative landmark of the Himalayas. Located on the border of China and Nepal, Mount Everest is the world’s highest peak. The magnificent scenery from the summit, which stands at around 8,844 meters, has attracted hundreds of mountaineers since the first successful summit in 1953. If you’re up for a challenge, you can embark on a mountaineering expedition to conquer Mount Everest.

Price: The cost of a Mount Everest expedition varies depending on the route, duration, and services included. Prices can range from $35,000 to $100,000 USD.

7. The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang

The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang are famous for their exquisite murals and Buddhist statues. They have been included in UNESCO’s world cultural heritage list. The caves contain works of art spanning over one thousand years, created by artists from different periods of the Middle Ages. Visiting the Mogao Caves allows you to admire these beautiful murals and statues, and you can even try your hand at copying a sample mural under the guidance of a teacher at the Dunhuang Research Academy.

Price: The entrance fee for the Mogao Caves is 242 CNY (approximately $38 USD).


These famous landmarks in China offer unique and memorable experiences. From seeing giant pandas up close to exploring the world’s largest imperial palace, each landmark has its own charm. When planning your visit to China, consider the prices of these landmarks and tailor your itinerary accordingly. Whether you’re interested in wildlife preservation, ancient history, or breathtaking natural landscapes, China has something for everyone.

Price list of famous landmarks

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